Based in Marseille, France, we develop and market innovative medical devices in the fields of anesthesia and intensive care. Our products are used worldwide in operating rooms and intensive care units.

Our fields of application


In ICU and Operating Theater, the AlgiScan is a non-invasive monitoring system which provides the patient’s analgesia level in a few seconds.

IDMED has developped a range of devices to monitor the patient’s level of neuromuscular blockade and recovery with accuracy and objectivity.

The NeuroLight offers an accurate and reproducible way to measure the patient’s pupil size and reactivity providing a fine-tuned analysis of the photomotor reflex.


IDMED, a French company based in Marseille, develops and markets innovative medical devices in the fields of anesthesia and intensive care. Our products are used worldwide in operating theaters, intensive care units, neuro-ophthalmological consultations and research laboratories.

Our products are commonly used in the areas of pupillometry, neuromuscular blockade monitoring and analgesia monitoring.

The WiTOF® is positioned as a wireless NMT station that helps pilot the depth of neuromuscular block in real time.

The NeuroLight® provides accurate and reliable pupil size and reactivity measurement of patient’s to fine tune the neurological diagnostic in Intensive care units.

ToFscan® is a Neuromuscular Blockade Monitor using three-dimensional sensors. No calibration required before use.

The AlgiScan® utilises pupillometry technique for the measurement of the pupillary dilation reflex which indicates the patient’s level of analgesia to the anesthetist.

IDMED develops products in collaboration with healthcare professionals. Innovation, reliability and relevance are the core qualities of our devices. We put our technical knowledge to the service of an improved everyday clinical practice.

Our fields of application:

  • Anesthesiology
  • Intensive care
  • Follow-up of neuropathies
  • Pharmacology
  • Pain assessment of non-communicating patients

IDMED, a French company based in Marseille, develops and markets innovative medical devices in the fields of anesthesia and intensive care. Our products are used worldwide in operating theaters, intensive care units, neuro-ophthalmological consultations and research laboratories.

Our products are commonly used in the areas of pupillometry, neuromuscular blockade monitoring and analgesia monitoring.

The WiTOF® is positioned as a wireless NMT station that helps pilot the depth of neuromuscular block in real time.

The NeuroLight® provides accurate and reliable pupil size and reactivity measurement of patient’s to fine tune the neurological diagnostic in Intensive care units.

ToFscan® is a Neuromuscular Blockade Monitor using three-dimensional sensors. No calibration required before use.

The AlgiScan® utilises pupillometry technique for the measurement of the pupillary dilation reflex which indicates the patient’s level of analgesia to the anesthetist.

IDMED develops products in collaboration with healthcare professionals. Innovation, reliability and relevance are the core qualities of our devices. We put our technical knowledge to the service of an improved everyday clinical practice.

Our fields of application:

  • Anesthesiology
  • Intensive care
  • Follow-up of neuropathies
  • Pharmacology
  • Pain assessment of non-communicating patients


daily users



coffee capsules per year


Our product range market availability differs for each country. Please contact us to know which product is available in your country.

Our employees and distributors are at your service to meet your needs and the needs of your patients.

      Distributeurs implantés
      *Distributors located

      Distributeurs en cours d’implantation
      *Distributors being implemented

Eco-friendly company

We are an
eco-friendly company

Open ended choice of
disposable or reusable material


Short production


"Pupillary reflex dilation in response to incremental nociceptive stimuli in patients receiving intravenous ketamine."

Sabourdin N, Giral T, Wolk R, Louvet N, Constant I.


Pupillometry is a non-invasive monitoring technique, which allows dynamic pupillary diameter measurement by an infrared camera. Pupillary diameter increases in response to nociceptive stimuli. In patients anesthetized with propofol or volatile agents, the magnitude of this pupillary dilation is related to the intensity of the stimulus. Pupillary response to nociceptive stimuli has never been studied under ketamine anesthesia. Our objective was to describe pupillary reflex dilation after calibrated tetanic stimulations in patients receiving intravenous ketamine. After written consent, 24 patients of our pediatric burn care unit were included.


J Clin Monit Comput. 2017 Oct 17. doi: 10.1007/s10877-017-0072-5.

"Pupillary reflex measurement predicts insufficient analgesia before endotracheal suctioning in critically ill patients"

Paulus J, Roquilly A, Beloeil H, Théraud J, Asehnoune K, Lejus C.


This study aimed to evaluate the pupillary dilatation reflex (PDR) during a tetanic stimulation to predict insufficient analgesia before nociceptive stimulation in the intensive care unit (ICU).


Crit Care. 2013 Jul 24;17(4):R161. doi: 10.1186/cc12840.

"Reliability of standard pupillometry practice in neurocritical care: an observational, double-blinded study"

Couret D, Boumaza D, Grisotto C, Triglia T, Pellegrini L, Ocquidant P, Bruder NJ, Velly LJ.


In critical care units, pupil examination is an important clinical parameter for patient monitoring. Current practice is to use a penlight to observe the pupillary light reflex. The result seems to be a subjective measurement, with low precision and reproducibility. Several quantitative pupillometer devices are now available, although their use is primarily restricted to the research setting. To assess whether adoption of these technologies would benefit the clinic, we compared automated quantitative pupillometry with the standard clinical pupillary examination currently used for brain-injured patients.


Crit Care. 2016 Mar 13;20:99. doi: 10.1186/s13054-016-1239-z.

"Automated quantitative pupillometry for the prognostication of coma after cardiac arrest"

Suys T, Bouzat P, Marques-Vidal P, Sala N, Payen JF, Rossetti AO, Oddo M.


Sedation and therapeutic hypothermia (TH) delay neurological responses and might reduce the accuracy of clinical examination to predict outcome after cardiac arrest (CA). We examined the accuracy of quantitative pupillary light reactivity (PLR), using an automated infrared pupillometry, to predict outcome of post-CA coma in comparison to standard PLR, EEG, and somato-sensory evoked potentials (SSEP).


Neurocrit Care. 2014 Oct;21(2):300-8. doi: 10.1007/s12028-014-9981-z.

Comparison of the TOFscan and the TOF-Watch SX during Recovery of Neuromuscular Function

Murphy GS, Szokol JW, Avram MJ, Greenberg SB, Shear TD, Deshur M, Benson J, Newmark RL, Maher CE.

The TOF-Watch SX™ accelerometer requiring initial calibration has been compared to the TOF-Scan™, a new TOF monitor with a preset stimulation intensity of 50mA not necessitating calibration. The study demonstrated a good agreement between the TOF-Watch SX with calibration and preload application and the uncalibrated ToFscan throughout all stages of neuromuscular recovery.
TOF-Scan™ has been developed that requires minimal setup for intraoperative use and can be used at any time to monitor a patient whether having received NMBAs (Neuromuscular blocking agents), or not. Their findings showed that the ToFscan may be used in clinical practice to establish the presence or absence of residual muscle weakness before tracheal extubation.


2018, the American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc. Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Anesthesiology 2018; Anesthesiology. 2018 Nov;129(5):880-888. doi: 10.1097/ALN.0000000000002400. PMID: 30130260.

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3 rue John Maynard Keynes
13013 Marseille – FRANCE

+33 (0) 9 74 98 05 41



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